
Management Body of Lake Pamvotis

Protected areas are an invaluable natural heritage. Their protection and promotion is of major importance. For this reason, the EU has adopted the Habitats’ Directive 92/43 and proceeded to the designation of the NATURA 2000 areas.

In Greece, more than 420 areas are designated as Natura areas and among these the Pamvotis Lake. So far 27 Management Bodies have been established, which are responsible to manage the protected areas.

The establishment of the Management Body of Lake Pamvotis (M.B.L.P.), was based on the laws 1650/86 & 3044/99 and was constituted in January, 2003. The Board of Directors consists of 9 members, according to the Common Ministerial Decision (135074/5193 / Official Government Gazette no. 1531 – 9/12/2002). It is a private for public benefit organization governed by public law, supervised by the Minister of Environment.

The purpose of the M.B.L.P. is to preserve the ecosystem, to restore and maintain the ecological balance of Pamvotis Lake and to promote human and economic activities under the principles of sustainability. The combination of nature’s conservation with the support of development activities is the aim and at the same times the challenge for the Management Body. The contribution of the local community is essential and crucial to the success of this goal.

Objectives of the Management Body of Pamvotis Lake

According to the Law 1650/86, the purpose of the Management Body of Lake Pamvotis (M.B.L.P.) is the management of the areas and the ecosystems, referred to in Article 18 (of the law).

More specifically, the objectives of the M.B.L.P. are:

  • The protection and the management of the habitats and species of flora and fauna.
  • The protection and the management of the endemic flora and fauna in the wider area.
  • The restoration of the disrupted hydrological balance.
  • The improvement of the water quality criteria.
  • The lake’s protection from pollution and contamination.
  • The protection against any kind of interventions, which degrade the ecosystem.
  • The protection and conservation of fisheries resources.
  • The promotion of Pamvotis Lake and its surrounding area.
  • The environmental education and public awareness.
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