
The public awareness and the sensitisation of the local community and visitors is a crucial responsibility of the Management Body of Lake Pamvotis. Since its establishment it has organised, for all ages, a variety of awareness-raising and ecosystem interpretation activities.

These programmes aim to inform and sensitise the local community, especially young people, to the Pamvotis Lake’s ecosystem and the pressures it faces.

Specifically the programme’s objectives are:

  1. The overall understanding of the ecosystem
  2. Understanding – familiarity with basic concepts, such as protected areas, ecosystem, biodiversity, water cycle, protection and management, eutrophication.
  3. Understanding of the multiple values of Pamvotis Lake (biological, fisheries, irrigation, recreational, educational, scientific, flood prevention, etc.)
  4. Information on the responsibilities and duties of Management Body
  5. Information on the pressures and threats for the ecosystem of Pamvotis Lake.
  6. Acquisition of positive attitudes and behaviours towards the ecosystem of the lake.

Since the Management Body’s establishment, many schools from Ioannina and the rest of Greece have participated in the Environmental Information and awareness programmes. Activities include interpretation of the Lake’s ecosystem in the Environmental Park of Management Body, bird watching-identification, PowerPoint presentations, discussions, drawings on themes of the Lake and its biodiversity, quiz, role-playing games, environmental trails, etc.

During these programmes, reference is made to basic concepts, such as protected areas, ecosystem, biodiversity, water cycle, protection and management, eutrophication. Emphasis is placed on human-nature relationship and the active participation of students, while stimulating all the senses (touch, hearing, sight, smell, taste) and the bond with the actual environment, something that is not easily achievable in classrooms.


  1. Setting the awareness objectives
  2. Defining what is intended to be transmitted through education – awareness.
  3. Determining what is intended to be transmitted through education – awareness.
  4. Organizing the contents of education – awareness campaign and selection of suitably adapted environmental activities, according to age, interests and the time availability.
  5. Briefings with school teachers, which show interest on Management Body’s programmes.
  6. Visits to the Environmental Park or to the premises of the Management Body or to the new Information Centre on the Island or to school, in groups of 15-20 people. Carrying out activities.
  7. Presenting thematic reports or studies at school.

To plan your visit (schools, associations, universities, etc.) please call the Management Body offices. The duration of the education – awareness programme is adjusted depending on the time available for each school. We are at your disposal for further clarification and information.

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